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CED is widely-known for having the best entry-level opportunities in the industry.  With our variety of Training opportunities at our Profit-Centers in California and across the nation, if you want to learn our business and are ready to commit, we can offer you a long-term, growth opportunity that best fits your abilities!


We offer:

  • Management Training Opportunity


  • Sales Training Opportunity


  • Operations Training Opportunity


  • Profit-Center Training Opportunity


  • Summer Internships (Incoming Seniors Preferred, Juniors will be considered)

  With CED, you can stay local, or move around to various locations.  Your career is in your hands, with the guidance of our Management Team.  We will give you the ability to move-up into any position interests you, where you are making decisions, leading employees, determining the products and markets that you want to work with.

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Is All Around You 

Click the button to contact CED SoCal today & talk about an opportunity near you!

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© 2020 by Consolidated Electrical Distributor

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